Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday night

As usual logged on to do a quick one or two things--it's been almost an hour and here I am! And of course I didn't get done what I wanted to-the library's online catalog is unavailable. Damn.

Been busy the last few days. Seems likes it's been longer than two days since I was last here. Probably because I've spent most of it HERE as opposed to 'over there' so to speak.

Went to the doctor today, got in and out pretty quick-and back home on the bus. Cable guy coming tomorrow. Phone and (slow cable) internet put in. That's the half-price thing-equivalent to DSL but I can't get DSL here in my building. Been thinking a lot about the past-how Asperger's really relates. Sorry this is a boring one-just wanted to stop in and post because it's a responsibility I'm trying to keep up with and the more of those the more time I spend being productive and hopefully I'll end up back as sane (or insane) as I was a few years ago. Time and age(?) and being a generally lazy ass has really taken it's toll on my mind.

Have a good one. Keep in touch. (insert sarcasm here)

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