Saturday, March 8, 2008

About Me

I've realized that in the rush about finding about Asperger's I've skipped talking about who I am. My first and last versus my middle, so to speak. Eventually the rush will die down and it won't be this huge bubble surrounding me.

I'm 41, lived in Pittsburgh most of my life, moved to Indianapolis recently, will always consider myself a transplanted Pittsburgher. At the age of 27 I ended up with arthritis and went from full-time to part-time. When I moved cities, I went from part-time to no-time. Since I've been coming here on vacation for the last twenty years (I have family here) I just can't wrap my head around actually working. The bills are getting paid and I'm eating.

People don't understand how I'm not bored not working. I've got two worlds which is common with Asperger's people. Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five had Tralfamadore, I have mine. It's not cohesive, not otherworldy, but it is an escape. And seductive.

So now I know it's based in autism. Not a big surprise--something that's occurred to me before. I've really got to get a job. I've been doing all I can do from the comfort of home--gee, now I have to leave. I'm very good at writing and very good with words but I just can't start a cover letter. Isn't that bizarre? I've started a book (and dropped it), and I've proofread other people's cover letters but mine is a blank.

That's my big goal--a J-O-B. It's a great reason to procrastinate! Spent an hour cleaning all the furniture in my bedroom with Murphy's Oil Soap today. (and I have a LOT of wood furniture~)

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